Sunday, March 09, 2008

Big Choices [2]

When making big architectural choices it helps to do the following:

  • define the different areas in which choices can be made (e.g. deployment platform, data & integration, processing, ...)
  • for each of the areas define at least two scenarios (preferably these scenarios are black & white, like thin client vs thick client).
  • describe the attributes of each scenario. When doing this you will see that there are usually a lot of dependencies in the scenarios. And some attributes do not really matter (they are a given, so no choice!).
  • describe the impact (positive, negative) of each scenario, in terms of costs, but also in terms of impact on users, etc.
  • and then make your choice ...

And finally: Do not make a Big Choice if you cannot follow up the choice with a clear impact on investment.



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