Sunday, February 17, 2008

Knowledge management

As soon as you mention the word 'Knowledge management' people will start to become uncomfortable. Maybe they will grin (and stop taking you seriously), maybe they will try to move to a different subject, or even worse, maybe they will have an opionion about document management.

Just as I wrote on 'architecture' I think the world of KM is suffering from a high degree of immaturity and because of this we see a vast number of methods on offer.

What we need is a reference model, a model which describes all aspects of KM. Just try and read the entry in Wikipedia and you will see how much people have struggled with some definitions (it received more than 500 edits last year, so no wonder ...). Shouldn't we just make it more simple? My view is that we have three types of things in KM - that are all very different: 1) Different types of Collaborative Content creation (formal / informal), 2) Systems that help you through workflows (protocols, expert systems) and 3) stores with Knowledge in the form of reference information (like e.g. Wikipedia).

Around these three families you will find lots of tools & flavours. And also a lot of hype (like all web2.0 stuff). So if you need elements of KM in your architecture, you will definitely get lost! But if you just focus on the three elements (collaboration, workflow protocols and knowledge reference) then maybe you have a chance ...

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