Keep it simple
I noticed that I wandered off quite a bit over the last few months - from the original trail about data management, towards more architecture oriented notes. Probably because I started noticing that architecture can actually add a lot of value to the cause of information management. An architect can do a lot of things - add principles, look at reusable services, create an overview - look at more than just the requirement of that moment by that small group - etc. But I think the key role of the architect is to make things simple.The synthesis of the analysis over various systems should be something that is simple to sell, because it is simple to understand. I have now seen people trying to sell a concept like an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) - and since they could not explain what it was they failed in their message. If their message would have been about integration and agility, then it would have made a bit more sense. If the message would also have shown a stepwise approach towards a full blown solution, then maybe people would have bought it ...
So as an architect - the key message is the good old KISS principle - Keep it simple, stupid!
Labels: architecture, Information Management
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