Saturday, June 02, 2007


Since the day we started moving from two-tier to multi-tier IT architectures we have seen a growing complexity around how we integrate applications, data, etc. Through this we see a growing number of 'moving parts' emerging in every implementation stack. It increases flexibility, once up and running it will make deployment of changes a lot easier, it even helps with scalability, cost control and ..., but it becomes pretty complex.

The so-called middleware market (covering hubs, connectors, real-time services, etc.) has been growing a lot and quite often I see that we need integrators to integrate the integrators (just to add to the complexity) and that's why it is important to really work on you architecture.

The rules are actually quite simple (and very old fashioned)
  • Keep it simple (and this is rule nr 2 and 3 as well)
  • Standardise - try to have one technology for the messaging and data transformation
  • Do portfolio management (limit versions, vendors, etc.)
  • And continue with keeping the overview of how data flows from one place to the other. This will help with challenging if another point to point interface is needed (why not channel it via a hub?)
  • Always challenge the next middleware technology, because quite often there are simpler solutions possible (e.g. if you can solve it with data integration in the database, why have a messaging hub?)
  • And if you have to choose a technology, than choose an open standard using XML, because that will keep your options open. Especially for integration with the outside world there is a lot of merit of using XML, since it is self-describing.
If you don't do these things you will see spiralling costs, the need for consultants with exotic skills and at the end of the day an unmanageable architecture ...

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