Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Last year I was looking forward to the introduction of the new version of the Microsoft operating system ... Vista, but unfortunately I was a bit disappointed when it was finally released. They definitely worked hard on the graphics (think Apple ...), security and the search capabilities (they feel the heat from Google ...), but from an information management perspective they have missed the opportunity to make a major step forwards.

What could they have done?

  • Get rid of the hierarchical folders - information does not relate to a single subject! How do I store pictures that relate to a place, a person, a date, ...?? The concept of virtual folders is still too cumbersome
  • Introduce automatic tagging - why not propose tags when you store a document, or have features like in this Blog (when I add tags it can show my list of tags I've used before). This is not rocket science. There is meta data in all Microsoft files, but this is still cumbersome and not related to anything.
  • Integrate the meta data from many products. Why not have your contacts in Outlook available as tags, and as virtual folders, ... etc.?

Just some ideas for Mr Gates - if he likes to have a chat about this he can always send a comment to this Blog!

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