When reality kicks in ...
So you know what you want to do; you know your priorities and how to achieve them ... or not? Well, at the end of the day most of the time you will be spending on other things than the improvement of Information management. This is due to ...
- Lack of Competence
- Too much overhead
- Indifference or ignorance
So how to deal with this?
Competence: Don't waste time on hopeless cases. If you can pick one genius - than that's better than 10 mediocre types. I think skills is still the major challenge of IM. People don't understand the concepts, or are simply too technology focused. Try to pick the few bright people that do understand and make them the change agents.
Overheads: Skip what you can get away with. Large organisations usually invent more bureaucracy than you have time. It is unbelievable how much is not really needed. So don't try to be too diligent with the things that don't count for the real content of your job.
Indifference: Well, that's a hard one. Again - if you are on a mission you can ignite yourself. Try to look for natural allies and ignore the real morons. And else ... create a crisis.
And finally - pick your battles!
Labels: Information Management, Skills
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