Tuesday, September 05, 2006

IM not IT

Millions of people in the world of computers (or should I say IT?) love tinkering with technology. That's great, since it delivers a lot of progress to us all, but a lot of them forget why we are doing this in the first place ... We have IT mainly to manage information. We have computers, networks, software, the whole lot, to create communications, documents, data, share knowledge, etc. etc. (even to create blogs like this!). OK, I know IT is doing more than this, but I would guess 95% of computer usage should be about IM (Information Management).

So when people ask me - what is your job? I still say that I'm doing 'something with computers', but I actually want to say - I manage information. Why I am not saying this, mainly because nobody understands IM (not even me). Therefore this is a good reason to write this blog. It is a blog about this job, about what it is (not something with computers), what misconceptions people have, what hurdles we have to take. It is also an attempt to put it on the map as a profession, share thoughts with peers and maybe learn ...

So happy reading ...




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